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A Passion Avenue For Science


An individual’s heart rate is affected by the individual’s state of mind or their physical condition. The heart rate can cause multiple things to happen within an individual’s body such as sweating, changes in the rate of breathing, changes in energy levels etc Someone’s mind could also be affected by the heart rate as their emotions could be effected, which in turn effects their heart rate. The heart is a vital part of our body and we should take care of it The maximum, normal and resting heart rate varies for everyone due to their age, size, gender, conditions that their body has, etc. There are many ways to measure heart rate and in this case, it is through the use of the MAX 30100 heart rate and pulse oximeter sensor. This sensor also monitors the user’s SaO 2 level which also influences the person’s body In daily application, this technology can be used to quickly detect symptoms of diseases in order to treat them as soon as possible Machines could detect these specific symptoms faster than any human could.

Components: Hardware

-MAX30100 sensor that detects and monitors the user's heart rate and SaO2 level.

-Arduino UNO, a microcomputer that functions to control everything.

-LED Strip, as an indicator (will blink) according to the user's heart rate.

-Breadboard, act as the interconnection station and the base of the whole system.

-LED Power supply, to optimize electricity from the power cable then supplies to the LED strips.

-Relay, this component causes the red LED strip to blink on and off as this component opens and closes circuits elecronically or electromechanically.

-Jumper wires

-Wire connectors


-USB Connector cables

-Power cable

-Translucent box

Component: software

Through coding in Java (using C and C++ coding language), it makes all of the systems and the components work together.

Improvements and Future Potential Application

It would be improved through using NodeMCU a wireless microcontroller This wireless heart rate SaO 2 monitor is also the future, potential application of this project in this modern world as it could connect to the Blynk app on a digital device and show the readings from there. It could also notify the user of any irregularities,

spikes/dips, etc of the user’s heart rate and/or SaO2 level. The placement of the sensor would also be different It would be on the chest as this part of the body does not move as much as the limbs which would make the readings more stable and accurate in comparison to putting it on a finger or a wrist. 

In this work, Austin's idea is to make device that can be used daily to detect heart heart and SaO2 monitor as that two parameters can be used to early detect symptoms of diseases.

Heart Rate & SaO2 Monitor


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